Dr. Monique

Dec 28, 20223 min

Too Good Not To Share

How using Silk and Sonder monthly planners has helped me create my dream life.

"The Silk and Sonder brand story: Founded by former software engineer and product manager, Meha Agrawal, Silk + Sonder offers a science-backed, community-driven approach to daily self-care. After her fair share of emotional ruts, Meha realized she wasn’t the only one feeling isolated and disconnected in a digitally exhaustive world. She was tired of watching ambitious and creative women shove their ideas, dreams, and goals to the sidelines in order to fulfill societal obligations of what they thought they should do.

It became her mission to build out a personalized platform that combined pen-to-paper magic with tailored programming and a supportive, uplifting network of like-minded women to inspire more joy, intention, and productivity in everyday lives. At Silk and Sonder, they believe that when they show up for themselves, they show up better for their friends, their families, their colleagues, and their world." -Silk and Sonder Website

I started my Silk and Sonder journey in 2020 when I moved to Nevada from my hometown in Arizona. I needed something that would keep help me get motivated, give me clarity, and keep me on track in order for me to create what I wanted in a state where I didn't know anyone- professionally.

My First Impressions

I love planners- calendars, and whiteboards, wherever I can write things down and if I can color code them that's a plus. I stumbled upon Silk and Sonder during one of my doom-scrolling sessions about how to start a business. I am forever grateful for that day because once I reviewed their product I figured 'what the heck- I'ma get the 3-month deal and see what happens.' With that being said, I moved to Nevada 1 day after they were put on the COVID Quarantine LockDown (March 2020)...so my planner was for April 2020 and one was sent to me for each month thereafter for the first 3 months.

I really loved that each planner came at each month- if you know me then you probably know that I like to work in advance; this prevented me from doing that which helped keep me focused on the current month I was working in.

Next, I loved that the cover was typically a nice floral design with the month (bolded), the year, and the theme below. It was concise and direct (just the way I like things).

Each week also has a quote that relates to the theme for that month.

Third, it's packed with so many things before you get to the actual planner part of it. These parts start with a reflection from Meha that helps set the mood for that month's planner; a reflection (recap) of the previous month broken up into different areas with appropriate prompts; intentions for the current month; mood tracker; habit tracker; a sleep tracker; an interactive activity; brief interactive and insightful journal prompts; a poem; a coloring page; a recipe; monthly expense tracker; word search or crossword game; a riddle; and finally, the planner itself.

The Planner

Each week starts off with 2 pages of small prompts that are broken up into weekly tasks, how you want to feel, 3 major goals, weekly habit/activity tracker, space for meals, mind/body health plan, space for a shopping list, a typically a prompt about what you're loving about YOU.

The days themselves do not have times...at first, I HATED this but then I realized that when it had the times pre-printed in them (even on my virtual calendar) I felt obligated to fill my gaps...I was so stressed. They are dated and labeled and there is a space for a scratch pad (if you're a doodler, like me). Each day also has a space labeled "one thing." I tend to fill that in with my goal for that day or the mood I desire. At the end of each week, there is a space for a concise and direct weekly reflection.

Unexpected Inspiration

Throughout the planner, there are other coloring pages, poems, and activities that require actual insight and reflection. They help me maintain accountability.

Silk and Sonder helped me reach my 12-month professional and revenue goal in 9 months the first year I was in Nevada. The following 12-month goal was attained 5 months into the 2nd year and I'm right on track for the 3rd-year goals to be met as well.

The Final Score

Silk and Sonder will be a part of my life until I cannot get it anymore. It's the best gift one can gift themselves. They have planners for kids as well. They have an entire social media community of support. They have an app. They're fucking amazing!
